Thursday, November 5, 2009

Garden Grubs Harvest!

Today, the garden grubs harvested some of the lettuces, broccoli and tomatoes. They then created a salad, and had a lunch time of munching down! After all the hard work in planting and taking care of the plants, it was a great reward!

Check out our video!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Egg In A Bottle

Watch carefully and decide... is the egg being 'sucked' into the bottle... or is something else happening?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Skewer A Balloon?

Find out whether or not a bamboo skewer can be pushed into a balloon... and out the other side... without the balloon actually popping!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Garden Growth

Bunnings in Eltham kindly donated a number of plants and herbs for our garden. Here's how our planting day went...

Thanks again Bunnings!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Garden Makeover

On Monday, a few students gave up a part of their school holiday to makeover our little garden. Check out our photos!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Happy holidays Australia! Keep watching our blog for more understandings in science in term four.

Thanks for watching our blog.

Leni & Paula

Monday, September 14, 2009

Soda Blast!

What will happen when Mentos is added to soda?

Find out as you watch our latest science experience.


Paula and Leni

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Blow-Up Balloon

This was a lot of fun. One of our classes changed the experiment a little with our teacher's permission... the balloon popped and some vinegar went all over Mr C. We achieved our goal to inflate the balloon more than the first time (see video) or make the balloon burst!


Learn about the process of a solid changing to a gas...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Cornflour Slime!

One question. Is it a solid... or a liquid?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Milk Kaleidoscope

What will happen when a drop of detergent is added to milk and food colouring? Why does what you see happen, happen? Find out in our latest post...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Life Cycle Of A Plant

Soil Science Students Ebony, Ella and Lily have been learning about the life cycle of a plant. Here is an animation of what they discovered...

Crazy Currants

What happens when vinegar and bicarb soda are mixed together?

What will the currants do when added to the mixture?

What causes what you see happen... to happen?

Find out as you watch our latest science experience.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself) Lava Lamp

The classes have been looking at different reactions chemicals can have when mixed together.

This week, we looked at making our very own lava lamps using water, vegetable oil, food colouring, a soluble aspirin tablet and a glass!

Take a look at how it's done. Be sure to think about how and why you think the things you see happen.

Answers will follow in our next update! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

WPS Soil Science

Hi. Our names are Ella, Ebony, Paul and Lily. We want to tell you what we are learning about our garden.

Damien, who is a soil scientist, has helped us understand how to plant peas and broccoli. Today we planted these vegetables in our garden with his help.

Check out our mind map of what we learnt today.

We will add posts to our blog when we meet together again to ask Damien questions about our garden.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lolly Water

Check out our Lolly Water experience. Think what you think will happen. Try to explain why what you see happen, happens.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Real-Life Scientists

As you saw from our last post, there were many ideas as to what we thought a scientist is.

We soon learnt that not all scientists are... always wearing a lab coat, are boys or men, have crazy, wild hair, are old, work in a lab...

Check out these cool videos of some real life scientists at work! Are these what you thought a scientist was?

What Does A Scientist Look Like?

In science last week, our teacher got us to draw some illustrations of what we thought a scientist looked like and include some of the tools and things we thought that they might use. Our teacher was looking to see what we did and didn't know about scientists. He was also looking at some ideas we had that might be wrong about scientists.

Here are some examples of some illustrations across the school of what we thought a scientist might look like. Remember, these are what we thought a scientist would look like…

Next week we are going to try and explain what a scientist really is by looking at some real life scientists. We will be looking at the way a scientist thinks and what they actually do.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hi, our names are Leni, Kaila, and Jess, and we are in charge of the Watsonia Primary School blog for 2009. We will be posting science information for all to enjoy during the next semester. Let us tell you a bit about ourselves. Kaila and Leni are in grade 5, and Jess is in grade 6. We are looking forward to learning science next term, especially chemical science, and also sharing it with all of you after the school holidays. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greetings students, teachers and the parents and caregivers of students at Watsonia Primary School here in the North Eastern suburbs of Melbourne.

In Terms 3 & 4, we (the students) will be taking science classes. We are looking forward to these learning opportunities. Keep an eye out for all our learning and general thoughts we will have to share about kids and science in the 21st Century...


About Me

My photo
Watsonia, Victoria, Australia